Saturday, May 2, 2015

Japan: Kiyomizu-dera

Kiyomizu-dera is a Buddhist temple in Kyoto. It was established in 778, though the original temple no longer survives. Most of the current buildings were constructed almost 1,000 years later, in the 1600s.  Here we are approaching the entrance.

The temple is built on the side of a mountain, so there were lots of steps to climb.

This already looks impressive, but it is not yet the main attraction. There were several gates and pagodas leading up to the main hall.

This is the view of one of the gates from above, with Kyoto in the background.

We rinsed our hands with these dippers to purify them before entering the temple. Supposedly, it's good luck to pour water on this statue, so all the kids took a turn.

The forecast called for peak cherry blossoms while we were in Kyoto, but a cold spell delayed the trees. Shortly after we left, this mountainside was probably covered with cherry blossoms.

The temple's main hall...

...and a quieter, more contemplative spot.

This natural spring here has been providing water continuously since the temple was founded.

You can wait in line for the opportunity to use one of these long-handled dippers to drink the holy water.

We almost skipped the line, but I'm glad we didn't. The water was surprisingly delicious, and it was interesting to experience something that people have been doing at this site for over 1,200 years.

Look--cherry blossoms! And general all-around loveliness.

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