Saturday, November 26, 2016

Hazel is 6!

Hazel and her friend Josie are 1 day apart in age -- perfect for a joint birthday party!

We were lucky to have beautiful fall weather and a terrific setting, plus just about everything you could want for a kids' party:


Monkey bars...

A bounce house...

Noise makers...

Chocolate frosting...

Even a pinata, thanks to our crafty friend Gabriela who made this star in honor of Hazel's love of Star Wars.

Perhaps we could have used a few more big kids to whack open the pinata, although no one complained when Josie's dad burst it open and dumped out the candy.

Hazel and Josie are old enough that they no longer get to be the cutest kids at their own party. Fern was the unrivaled queen of cute, especially as she proudly told everyone at the party about how she peed on the potty.

Happy Birthday, six year olds!

Hazel said that to have an even better party next year, we should do everything exactly the same but have more balloons, more juice, plant some flowers, and open the "mud kitchen." (Her name for the cob house that's currently being built in Josie's neighborhood.)

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