Friday, November 11, 2016


This fall Hazel played for the ICS kindergarten soccer team. Here she is, proudly in uniform and ready to go before her first game.

And here she is during her last game. Over the course of the season, she lost her soccer socks, and the weather turned colder. She and her teammates also got a lot better at passing, dribbling, and playing as a team. 

Warm up before the first game. Aim...

...and kick! Unfortunately, they warmed up on the wrong side of the field. As a result, the ICS team spent much of the first game trying to kick the ball into their own goal. Thankfully, they don't keep score in kindergarten soccer.

Once the game started, Hazel was enthusiastic and did her best to keep up with the ball.

She even managed to kick it a few times!

At the end of all the games, the teams line up for high fives and a chorus of "good game, good game." I appreciated the emphasis on teamwork and sportsmanship from the ICS team and almost all of the other teams we played.

Click the Read more link if you want more action shots from the first game!



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