Sunday, November 13, 2016

UN Day

Last Friday, the girls' school hosted its annual UN Day celebration. We are so grateful that our family gets to be part of this rich and vibrant community.

Both girls represented Japan in the school parade.This was Hazel's first year participating in UN Day as an ICS student.

Hazel was one of a group of students who presented the International Baccalaureate learner characteristics that the school tries to instill in its students -- things like being knowledgeable and inquirers.
The K-2 Spanish classes singing their song in Spanish.

By the time the older grade Spanish classes performed, Juniper had gotten hot and removed her kimono.

Hazel was also hot, but kept her kimono on.

After the parade and performances, there's a potluck lunch. One of our kids described the potluck as a "giant feast, with lots of great food. Like cupcakes."

International Community School, bringing kids together through the shared love of cupcakes.

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