Sunday, August 1, 2010


This is our 200th blog post! Thanks to all of you who let us know that you enjoy the photos and stories. We really appreciate the comments and positive responses.

Here are a few highlights from the past year and a half:

Our very first blog post!

Visits from Gramps...

...and DeeDee.

Strawberry picking adventures...

...two years in a row,

and many adventures in absurdity.

Juniper's child dedication,

and her early indoctrination into nerd culture.

The girls' first slumber party,

and their second Halloween together.

Lots of good times around the table.

A snowy winter (at least for Atlanta).

Juniper's 2nd birthday.

Good times at the park...

...and at the lake.

Lots of good books (and good snuggling too).

Extra fun times with Violet,

and Juniper gets ready to welcome a little sibling.

Stay tuned for more adventures from the Honeycutt-Dill family over the next year and a half!

1 comment:

  1. I love keeping in touch with you all through the blog! Thank you!
